Heuristic Evaluation & Re-design
In March of 2020 Walmart Grocery merged with Walmart’s main app so as to drive more consumers to its online grocery shopping experience. Up until this point the retailer had operated on two separate apps with relative success, with the main app having been downloaded 103+ million times since January 2014 across both iOS and Android.
The Challenge
In order to gauge the quality of a user’s experience while navigating the newly merged app, our team at Emerge Technology has conducted heuristic evaluation and analysis. This report contains that analysis, wherein a specific user task was selected and observed: to purchase Lindor Lindt original chocolate via the Walmart holiday flyer found in their main app.
This approach aligns with the task flow of a novice user of the app who has gone online to peruse chocolate options for purchasing in anticipation of the upcoming holiday season.
Role: Product Designer Project Type: Academic Platform: iOS Time Frame: 2 Weeks Tools: Figma, Adobe XD, Illustrator, Photoshop Team: Adad Salloum, Mike Walker, Natalie Soberano
Jakob Nielson’s 10 usability heuristics for UI design
In this evaluation, our team conducted 2 separate evaluation sessions using both iOS and Android that each lasted 15 minutes. At the end of each independent session our team compared findings and discussed the problems they encountered in accordance with the 10 usability heuristics for UI design as defined by Jakob Nielson.
To consolidate our findings, we chose to focus on the task flow as experienced on and up-to date iOS 12.4.9 on an iPhone 12, and to narrow the focus of our critique to 6 usability heuristics across 8 screens, namely:
• Visibility of system status
• User control and freedom
• Consistency and standards
• Error prevention
• Helping users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
• Aesthetic and minimalist design
The Evaluation
1 task-flow/ 8 screens
Screen #1- Home Screen
Screen #2- Flyers Screen
Screen #3- Holiday Flyer Screen
Screen #4- Holiday Flyer Result Screen
Screen #5- Grocery Home Screen
Screen #6- Product Search Results Screen
Screen #7- Product Details Screen
Screen #8- Shopping Cart Screen
Summary of Findings
Rating and recommendations
Rating Methodology
Based on the severity of usability problems a number is assigned to each heuristic using a 0 to 4 rating scale
0 = I don't agree that this is a usability problem at all.
1 = Cosmetic problem only: need not be fixed unless extra time is available on project.
2 = Minor usability problem: fixing this should be given low priority.
3 = Major usability problem: important to fix, so should be given high priority.
4 = Usability catastrophe: imperative to fix this before product can be releas
Our heuristic analysis brought many issues to light on the Walmart app. Of 8 total screens, each with their own (and often many) issues, a rating of usability catastrophe was given a remarkable 4 times.
The average of our total usability scores combined divided by the number of screens assessed equals 3.25, meaning the overall severity score is a major problem verging on catastrope.
This incredible number indicates that the app requires significant improvements and a near overhaul in order to meet standards of usability. In order to stay competitive in the marketplace and remain the 2nd most frequently visited retail app in North America, Walmart must implement the suggested change.
Breaking Down the Numbers
Screen 1 begins with a simple usability issue of consistency and standards due to an aesthetic variance in its buttons and a poorly placed hamburger menu. These minor issues are followed by blurry images and mishapen actionable buttons.
Once users have selected their product, they are surprised to discover that the product is not the same as what had initially been selected. With no visibility, order or status update, back button, or information pertaining to any minimum amount required in a cart prior to checkout, there is little for users to do but simply hope for the best when proceeding through the simple task of purchasing chocolates from a holiday flyer.
Summary of Recommendations
The Walmart app is rife with issues. To best implement our changes, we suggest prioritizing the visibility issues, creating a status bar to updating the user as to the amount still required to add to their cart prior to being able to check out, as well as any useful information that helps users understand where they are in the process of placing an order.
Other priorities include the creation of a back button on each screen, as well as creating a more linear path for users towards their purchase, where they aren’t simply bounced back to the main grocery page if they have chosen an unavalible option from within the flyer.
As mentioned, overall consistency and the use of high resolution images are essential changes to be made in order to ensuring users’ ability to confidently navigate the app.
Further considerations include the ability to change the quantity of items selected prior to check out, as well as moving the hamburger menu from the bottom navigation bar to somewhere towards the top of the page.
The Re-Design
Re-designing the App based on Walmart’s brand guidelines
Screen #1- Home Screen
Screen #2- Flyers Screen
Screen #3- Holiday Flyer Screen
Screen #4- Holiday Flyer Result Screen
Screen #5- Grocery Home Screen
Screen #6- Product Search Results Screen
Screen #7- Product Details Screen
Screen #8- Shopping Cart Screen
Final Re-design Task Flow
Review Of Re-Design
Novice users may experience information overload.
Proposed add to cart option might be inconsistent with user expectations.
Breadcrumbs add considerable text.
Users now have a visibility bar.
Consistency of actionable buttons.
Improved organization.
A more dynamic “Add to cart” feature.
More negative space enhance clarity.
Future Thinking
Next Steps
Looking ahead
Our team recommends:
The development of a dynamic prototype.
Extensive user testing.
Controlled quality assessment to ensure brand cohesion to meet Walmart legacy standards.